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[Pharmacist Post] About Tyropramide


1. Ingredient 

Tiropramide Hydrochloride

2. Efficacy / Effect

1) Acute spastic pain in the following diseases: hepatobiliary colic, abdominal colic due to various causes, colic of the kidney and ureter

2) Abdominal spasms and pain in the following diseases: gastrointestinal dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, adhesions after surgery

3. Usage · Dosage

ㆍAdults: Orally administer 100 mg 2-3 times a day as tyropramide hydrochloride.
ㆍAdequate increase or decrease according to age and symptoms.

4. medication information

- If you have or have a history of glaucoma, inform your specialist in advance.
- If your mouth is dry, try biting into an ice cube or eating unsweetened gum or candy.
- Consult with a specialist if severe constipation, urine retention, visual disturbance, etc. occur.
- Avoid sauna use or strenuous exercise in hot weather.
